Possible Future Pathways

Aerospace engineer, agricultural engineer, animal scientist, astronaut, astronomer, automotive engineer, bioacoustic researcher, biofuels processing technician, biologist, biomedical engineer, chemical engineer, choreographer, civil engineer, computer hardware engineer, construction, manager, crime scene investigator, crystallographer, cyber security analyst, demographer, dietitian, drone pilot, electrical engineer, entomologist, exercise physiologist, fashion designer, fibre optic technician, fish and game warden, forensic biochemist, forester, geographer, geologist, herpetologist, hydrologist, illustrator, information technology, specialist, job analyst, kennel manager, landscape architect, marine geophysicist, mechanical, engineer, meteorologist, MRI technician, naval warfare officer, nurse, obstetrician, operations research analyst, paleoanthropologist, paleontologist, pediatric oncology, nurse, physicist, power plant operator, quality control analyst, robotics technician, seismologist, soil scientist, submarine sonar technician, technical services representative, toxicologist, ultrasound technologist, urban planner, veterinarian, video game designer, water treatment plant operator, wildlife conservationist, x ray technician, yoga instructor, Zoologist

Teacher in Charge:

Ms Michelle Green

Course Overview:

​​​​​​​Communication skills, marketing, critical thinking, developing ideas, debating, philosophy and analysing how texts - particularly Science fiction, have shaped cultures’ thinking will be the foci of English STEAM. We will looking at who we are as humans. Do we even have a right to go to Mars?​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Course Content:

  • Team building (co-operative- learning)
  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Analysing and learning about language to see how it works on the audience and how to use it for our purposes for the mission
  • Public speaking/Debating/ Presenting to an audience
  • Writing for purpose - formal, creative and social media
  • Reading stories, poems and other texts and looking at ideas they present
  • Research​​​​​​​

Course Overview:

Social Studies is all about people, places and politics. Mission to Mars will mean people will need a new society, creating systems and structures.How will people survive?What will the world of work look like?​​​​​​​What laws will evolve to manage society?

Course content:

Social Studies content will include:

  • Civilizations and systems
  • Resource use and sustainability
  • War and peace
  • Future state​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Course Overview:

STEM Mathematics will be taught as much as possible as a result of exploring the problem of going to Mars.

We will use Mathematics to:

  • ​​​​​​​Find out how much it would cost to go to Mrs?
  • Use measurement and formulae to build models and test rockets.
  • Graph and model situations to make decisions about getting to Mars; growing food, surviving and sharing resources.

Course Content:

The curriculum of Number, Measurement, Algebra, Graphs and Statistics will be covered in this context. 

For example:

  • ​​​​​​​Building our infrastructure: measurement, area, volume, using formulae
  • Fuels: ratios and fractions
  • Technology for space travel: measurement and formulae
  • Planning resources: ratios, percentages, algebra and graphs - How we will survive
  • Geometry of designing spacecraft and stations​​​​​​​

Course Overview:

We will look at creating a new community in Mars and how a food source will be needed. This food source will relate around Aqua-Hydroponics. You will learn to apply the principles of design thinking and project-based learning to develop your project ideas. You will work together in team building exercises and as an individual You will develop good thinking skills using your creative and curious mind. Term 2 - Hydroponics

Course Content:

  • Team building
  • Problem solving skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Construction
  • Working with others
  • 2D and 3D sketching
  • 3D modelling
  • Web design
  • Blogging
  • Design process

Coure Overview:

Science is about adventure and discovery and our STEM Science curriculum will be covered through this lens through the Mission to Mars project. This means as we go through the planning of our ‘Mission to Mars’ we will learn the science involved in this exciting projecting.

Course Conent:

  • Population planning, adaptations and genetics
  • Simple plant biology
  • Nutrition
  • Electricity
  • Mechanic
  • Fuel


August 2019