St Mary's Netball Club is sponsored by the Northern Tavern. We are well represented in most open grades so can cater for a variety of levels of ability and consistently challenge well in all grades, including a Men's grade that is played on a Monday night. Over the years we have had a number of Southland age group representatives as well as the club coaches and managers who have accepted roles with representative teams. In 2008 the club had its first Silver Fern in Wendy who we continue to support in her netball career. St Mary's has a strong committee who continue to volunteer many hours to manage the club affairs with the many and varied tasks involved. St Mary's Netball Club is a sister club to the Marist Rugby Club. We share social functions during the netball and rugby season.
During 2017 the club turned 90 years old and we are now in the midst of making the next 90 years just as successful and memorable.