Basketball runs over 2 semesters, each semester is played over 2 terms.
Year 1/2 league: XXXday afternoons
Year 3/4 league: XXXday afternoons
Year 5/6 league: XXXday afternoons
Semester 1: Term 1 & 2
Semester 2: Term 3 & 4.
The league is all about building on the teachings from the Junior Breakers Programme and improving the basics of the game in a fun and learning environment.
The rules are modified to allow the players to have maximal time on task. Included every game is an 8 minute fundamental warm up with a coach from the Breakers so every session the kids will learn new skills. Teaching the basic rules is also a major part of the league so the games can be played in a fair and constructive way.
League focus:
• 5 players on the court per team
• Fundamentals taught – dribbling (retreat dribble/crossover/change of direction), jump shots, lay-ups, playing as a team and man to man defence.
• Rules – strict on basics (double dribble, progress, fouls)
• Scoring – 2-3 points for a basket, 1 point for a free-throw.
• Cost: $TBC, this will be finalised once team numbers are confirmed. Likely to be around $130.00 to $140.00 per player for term 1 and 2.
• Competition Dates:
Year 1/2:
Year 3/4:
Year 5/6:
Games will start between 3.45pm and 6.45pm
All games will be held at the Breakers training venue: 7 Atlas Place, Mairangi Bay
Team Managers and coaches are required for this competition. Please let me know if you are prepared to coach or manage your child’s team.
Please register your child by
Thursday XX February, 202X