Welcome to St Pat’s Town Cross Country

St Pat’s Cross Country offer participants the opportunity to compete at all levels within Wellington as well as New Zealand Secondary Schools Nationals.

Grades are Year 9, Under 16 and Senior.

Our Cross Country squad is a group of more than 30 individuals. We cater for all levels of runners and new members to our squad are always welcomed.


  • College Sport Wellington Cross Country Relays
  • College Sport Wellington Cross Country Individual Champs
  • NZSS Cross Country Champs
  • SPC vs Silverstream Road Race Exchange
  • NZSS Road Race Champs


  • The senior team won the College Sport Wellington Cross Country relays. Team members: Bernard Stallard, Connor Kemp, Jaguun Gunrejgav-Willers, Wilson Li
  • This senior team of Connor Kemp, Wilson Li, and Bernard Stallard finished up 6th out of 20 in the team event at the New Zealand Secondary Schools Cross Country Championships.
  • Connor Kemp has an outstanding season, placing 4th at regionals, 11th at nationals, and 23rd at the Australian state champs when competing for the NZ team.


Harry Burnard
E: harry.burnard@stpats.school.nz 

Kristina Rybinski
E: kristina.rybinski@stpats.school.nz

After school Tuesday and Thursday 3.30pm - 4.45pm

Racing kit is school singlet and blue shorts

Terms 2 and 3

In 2024 the SPC Cross Country registration fee was ​​​​​​​$40 (this doesn't include entry fees for races)