How a Typical Race Meeting Unfolds.

Race Weekend Format:


We normally have the option of a practice day on the Friday before a race meeting. This day is not part of the official meeting and is sometimes at an additional cost to the entry fee, but it is a good opportunity to get your pit site/garage setup and you and your kart dialled into the circuit. Scrutineering and gear checking gets underway on Friday for those competitors that are there and wish to get it done prior to the Saturday that can sometimes be a little more hectic. The circuits are typically open from 9.00am to around 4.30pm with all the kart classes on the track at the same time. All our race meetings are run in conjunction with car meetings. We normally get five or six runs of around 15 minutes each on a practice Friday. More detailed information regarding the Friday test day is always available on the SuperKart drivers Club Facebook page closer to the time:


Scrutineering and gear check is completed for the remaining karts that were not processed on Friday. After you have completed scrutineering you will be required to confirm your entry with race control to verify that you are racing for the weekend. When doing this you will be given a timetable for the weekends racing that shows the class order and the approximate times that you will be on track. The format for Saturday is usually two practice runs in the morning followed by qualifying and one race in the afternoon. Drivers briefing is conducted before qualifying and all competitors are required to be present for this. If we have new drivers running at their first SuperKart meeting we may hold an additional Drivers Briefing for these drivers to explain in detail the specific rules relating to the track and the rules regarding on track behaviour. Qualifying is run for twelve to fifteen minutes (depending on the schedule) to determine the grid order for each class. Each race is seven to eight laps long (again, depending on the schedule) with all classes on track at the same time. There are normally two separate starts with a gap between each class of karts. International, KZ2 and DD2 get the first start and Rotax Light and Heavy get the second start. 


On Sunday we usually have four races spread out during the day in conjunction with the car classes. The format is the same as the Saturday afternoon race. Depending on the type of meeting, prize giving is held after racing and technical inspections are completed. As always, leading up to the meeting more detailed information regarding the event will be available on the SuperKart Drivers Club Facebook page. This will include a link to the meeting entry form and details on how to make your payment:

Technical Inspections:

Please be aware that at any given time during the race meeting, you may be asked to present yourself and your kart to the KartSport New Zealand garage for a technical inspection or to be weighed. Also random checks on your kart or driving apparel can be performed at any time or anywhere by a KartSport New Zealand Technical Officer.


Below are some of the commonly used flags at SuperKart meetings. Please familiarise yourself with all the flags and their meanings on the MotorSport New Zealand website:

Green lights in practice or qualifying- Displayed at the start/finish line. When the green lights are flashing intermittently  the session has begun to close. You can only face the flashing green lights ONCE! After passing the flashing green lights you must enter the pits.

Green lights at the race start- The pole setter determines the formation lap pace. When approaching the start/finish line the lights will be red. When the lights turn solid green the race is underway. An alternative to the light system is a waved green flag to start the race.

Yellow lights or flags- Raise your hand and reduce speed. There is no overtaking allowed until 1: you have passed the incident and 2: passed the next clear flag point.

Red lights or flags- Raise your hand and reduce speed immediately in a safe manner. Cease racing and proceed slowly back to the pit lane or designated safe area without passing anyone.

Blue lights or flags- Hold your line, you are about to be lapped.

White Flag- Caution, you are catching a much slower kart.

Last Lap Board- you have one lap to go.

“SC” on a placard- There could be a safety car on the track. 

Passing Guidelines:

Please remember that there are huge speed differences between some of the SuperKart classes! For example, an International SuperKart can be doing 130 kilometres an hour faster than a Rotax Class kart in some sections of a race track! 

The most important rule when SuperKart racing  is this: When attempting to pass another kart ALWAYS POINT TO WHERE YOU ARE INTENDING TO MOVE TO BEFORE MAKING THAT MOVE! It will pre-warn drivers behind you where you are about to go. This is a safety measure that helps eliminate any accidents that could be caused by line changes at high speed. 

New Driver Requirements:

Firstly, whether it be your first test day or a race meeting, the SuperKart Drivers Club will endeavour to partner you up with an experienced club member to make our first SuperKart meeting as easy and stress free as possible! We are focused on having fun in a safe racing environment and welcome new members with open arms! 

Depending on your SuperKart licence rating you will be required to run with an “X” on your rear number plate and have your rain light on at all times while on the track.

Depending on your SuperKart licence rating you will be required to start at the rear of your respective class until a KartSport New Zealand steward is satisfied with your level of competence. Your licence may then be upgraded and you may then take your place on the grid as determined by your qualifying result and remove your “X” from your number plate..

Please Familiarise Yourself with the Following:

To enter the racing confines all karts must form up on the dummy grid with the fastest to the front in each class. The class order on the grid is: International followed by KZ2, DD2, Rotax Light and Rotax Heavy.

The pit lane speed limits are determined by the host circuit and are divided into two sections; the Fast Lane and the Slow Lane. This will be explained in further detail at the Drivers Briefing meeting.

When on track keep your driving lines smooth and avoid any erratic line changes. Concentrate on what’s in front of you and look a long way up the track. Don't look behind you, things are happening at high speed, an incident can happen quickly if you are not fully focused to the front.

When racing and facing the start line there will be a gap on track between the Gearbox and the Non-Gearbox classes. This gap distance will be determined by the Clerk of the Course and advised to all the competitors at Driver's Briefing. Both of these groups will face separate start lights/flags to start the race. 

Track Entry and Exit Blend Lines:

The pit lane exit blend lines are located at the end of the pit lane going onto the racetrack.

The pit lane entry blend lines are located at the entry point to pit lane.

Do not cross the pit lane blend lines at any point. This is a very important safety issue and if you do so you may be excluded from the race meeting.