VENUE: Mitre 10 Park Hawke's Bay
This event will be outdoors on the Netball courts.
MANAGER’S MEETING - 9:15am at the Netball courts
1. Students competing must be enrolled full-time in the school they are representing.
2. Students competing must be Year 6. Only those schools that do not have a big enough roll to make up a whole team out of Year 6 Students may include year 5 students from their school.
3. Students may compete in more than one code; however, timetable allowances will not be made for any competitors.
4. If a student enters more than one code they will only receive one free registration gift rather than one for each code.
- Teams are 5-a-side (5 players per team on the court at a time during game), and a maximum of 10 players may register per team.
- All teams will be in the same competition so they have to be mixed.
- The draw format will be determined once team entries are finalised and there may be more than one pool/section/winner.
- The draw will be made available on the web site as soon as possible but all managers must attend the managers meeting prior to first games regardless of each teams start time as last minute draw updates are possible and all updates and explanation of competition format will be explained at managers meeting.
- Size 6 Ball
- Full Court Full Height Goal
- 2 x 10 minute running clock halves with a 2 minute break at half time.
- Teams must not play zone defence; one to one only (no double team defence); defence from half court only.
- Back court rule applies; double dribble and travel violations called; three second rule applies.
- Referees will notify all fouls to the score bench with team fouls recorded. Each team is allowed 4 team fouls per half after which the penalty will be one point and inbound pass to the non-offending team.
- If an attacking player is fouled in the act of shooting an automatic point will be awarded and their ball to the side (do not shoot free throws); if the attacking player is fouled in the act of shooting and the basket is made, the 2 points will be awarded and the ball to side.
- Substitutions can be made at any time at the ‘sub-zone (three metres either side of half way). The outgoing player must be OFF the court before the player coming in can enter the court.
- Draws will be permitted in regular pool play but in the event of a tied game in a playoff match 1 minute of over-time will be played and repeated until a winner is found. The possession arrow will determine which team takes the ball.
Referees will be provided for all games but each team must supply their own score bench official (one per team). It is preferable that this person is NOT, the coach and should be an adult or older secondary school aged student. One person will keep the score sheet and the other the time/display score.
Staff/Parents are required to have their own first aid kit for their teams. This kit should also include ice and strapping tape. If you have teams at more than one venue you will need to bring a first aid kit for each venue.
Schools will be required to pay the registration fee per school using the Sportsground website – online registration link.
Please complete this form to secure your place in the competition and pay for your teams/ individuals.
Once you have registered your team/s you will not have to register any names. This will enable you to get your teams ready with lots of time to find replacements for sick children or make any other changes required. You will be required to bring your team list along with the name and cell phone contact details of the coach or adult in charge to the manager's meeting on the morning of the event.
There will be NO LATE REGISTRATIONS available after entries have closed. There will be NO REFUNDS for children/teams withdrawing after this date.
- Please note that there should be only one ‘Super Sixes’ Coordinator per school. This person will be responsible for all entries for the whole ‘Super Sixes’ competition. There should be only one registration per school at this first entry portal.
In the event of there not being enough registrations for a sporting code to run an acceptable competition, you will be contacted and your money will be refunded or an alternative sporting code may be offered. This communication will take place after registrations close.