Venue: Mitre 10 Park Hawke's Bay – Percival Road, Hastings
Estimated Start and Finish Times – 10am – 3:30pm
CYCLOCROSS is an exciting sport where children ride bikes over a measured course which will include a series of obstacles. Each child will get timed. Children can register their intention to ride the course by going over to the cycle area and putting their name down on a list. A time will be allocated for each child to start.
Schools can enter as few or as many children as they like. If children are playing another sport at the Sports Park on the same day we will endeavour to have their start time during a round they are not playing their team sport. Please ensure your child brings their team's draw with them to aid this allocation of start time.
Times will be recorded and children may try more than once to get their best time. First attempts will take precedent over multiple attempts when start times are allocated. The number of times a child races will depend on the final number of entries.
Children will not need to bring their bikes to the event as there will be bikes available for them to use. Helmets are also available but if you would rather the child uses their own helmet and/or bike that is perfectly acceptable.
The Cyclocross course will be within the boundary of the Regional Sports Park. The course will be a mixture of grass, limestore, hills and man made obstacles. Children will need to carry their bike over the obstacles. Cyclocross does not expect that children will ride their bikes the whole way. Rather that they carry them or push the bikes through the obstacles if required. SHOES ARE COMPULSORY
Staff/Parents are required to have their own first aid kit for their teams. This kit should also include ice and strapping tape. If you have teams at more than one sporting code venue you will need to bring a first aid kit for each venue.
1. Students competing must be enrolled full-time in the school they are representing.
2. Students competing must be Year 6. Only those schools that do not have a big enough roll to make up a whole team out of Year 6 Students may include year 5 students from their school.
3. Students may compete in more than one code; however, timetable allowances will not be made for any competitors.
4. If a student enters more than one code they will only receive one free registration gift rather than one for each code.