This website is a snapshot of the website for this organisation as at 20/07/2016. Content may be out of date until the administrator updates this site.


Is the home of many indoor and outdoor sports based in Palmerston North with its own club house on the corner of Featherston Street & Botanical Road.

This is where we play social croquet -

Association and Golf Croquet are forms of croquet and we play both socially in a warm and friendly atmosphere.  Come along and give it a go.

Our 'official' playing days are on Tuesday afternoons from 1.15pm Thursday from 4.30pm during daylight saving and Sundays from 1.15pm.

If you become a social member then the lawn is available for play anytime.

The season starts 1st September - 31st August

We invite you to come along and experience these fascinating games. No experience is necessary

All equipment is provided, just remember to wear flat soled shoes.

We look forward to seeing you.