Taradale Rugby and Sports Club is holding it's Summer Social Touch Rugby module for junior grades School Yr 1 / 2 through to Yr 7 / 8 all teams to be mixed - it is a really popular module which the players and their families have really enjoyed.

The games will run on FRIDAYS from Friday 1st November through to 13th December.   Games will run between 5.00pm and 6.00pm.

Ideally we would like the players entered as whole teams but if you are unable to do this we will do our best to find a team for your child/ren.  Take this information into your child's school and see who may be interested. It would be great if the school would advertise this in their newsletter.

The grades will be School Yr 1 / 2 mixed male/female teams, School Yr 3 / 4 mixed male/female teams, School Yr 5 / 6 mixed male/female teams and School Yr 7 / 8 mixed male/female teams. Teams play 6 on the field at one time and three players must be female (register up to 12 players total).

Great fun - get a team together and register.  Any queries please contact the Club on taradalerugbyclub@gmail.com     or  Paula on 0273 602 358.

To register please go to the tab Junior Touch Rugby Registration Forms