Registration - all existing club players and new players must complete a 2023 NZRU registration form and be weighed so we are able to organise teams.
Existing players will receive an online invitation to register for the new season. If you havent received yours by early February please let us know.
If you are new to the Club please go to the Club Registration Forms tab and fill in the form online. Alternatively you are able to arrange for a paper copy to fill in at a Club Weigh In date.
An official weigh in by the HBRU Weighmaster is COMPULSORY for every player once registered. You may be able to arrange late weigh-in times by contacting Paula 027 360 2358 to make an alternative arrangement.
Fees for the 2023 season are:
Kindy Rippa (3 & 4 year old) = $15.00 per player
5th & 6th Grade = $30.00 per player
7th - 12th Grade = $45.00 per player
Family of 3 or more siblings = $110.00 max
Socks and shorts will be available for sale on Friday afternoons 4.30 - 6pm in the Clubrooms
Please consider helping with coaching in 2023 - we can not run teams without coaches and parent help. There are free coaching courses you are able to attend and online resources to help you.
You are able to access information through the season by checking with your coach at first. And/Or:
* Website – Click here
*Facebook– Juniors:Taradale Junior Rugby Seniors: Taradale Rugby Club
* E-Mail –
* Phone – Hinerangi 027 566 1111
Paula 027 360 2358