There are three steps to the registration process:
1. Register players through their school/club player online registration form:
2. Schools/Clubs enter Teams in TeamBuilder on their Sporty site
3. Schools/Clubs assign Players to Teams in TeamBuilder.
For a comprehensive user guide of the registration process you can watch the Youtube video on the right hand side or click the Admin User Guide below
Once up and running, Superforms lets you:
Once you have your players registered, you can create your teams in Team Builder and add your players. Please see the 2nd video to help you with this part of the registration process.
People can also acces the Registration form through our Taupo Netball Centre website through the Register Here >> 2024 Registrations Clubs & Schools page.
2024 Teambuilder 2
Sporty have released Teambuilder 2 which has a slightly different process for clubs and schools to enter teams, where a quick Team Entry form is to be completed when you add your team in Teambuilder.
Players can be registered through out the season, up until two weeks before the semi finals games.
A Casual Player is someone who is not currently registered to a club or school and who is playing a one off game for a club or school (generally due to a shortage of players).
For a casual player to be able to take the court with the use of the Game Day App scoring system, the following process must happen to ensure their name appears the team list. Failure to follow the procedure below may result in a penatly of a default loss.
The team must subsequently pay the casual fee of $20 before the team takes the court on the next playing day.
A casual player must not be registered in any other team.
A casual player may not play in Crossover Semi Finals or Finals.
A team may only play up to two casual players in any one game.
Once a casual player has played for the same team three times, they must then register with that team
Males are not permitted to be casual players
The casual player must register online with the club or school they will be playing for, a minimum of two hours prior to the game.
To register with the club or school you will be playing for, select from the list of clubs and schools by clicking on the button below and it will take you to their registration page.
Inform Operations Manager via email or registration desk minimum of one hour prior to the game of a casual player to add to a team list for a game.
Teams cannot add players to team list themselves, it can only be done by the Operations Manager. Casual players will be removed from team list after the game.
Players can be registered through out the season, up until two weeks before the semi finals games.
The deadline for player registrations for 2024 is: Saturday 27th July
Email our Operations Manager to deregister a player
Ensure the players name is no longer showing in the Game Day App on game day, if it is then please notify the Operations Manager.
Owen Delany Park
Centennial Drive