The 60's​​​​​​​

  • The late Mrs Pat Balmforth was President in 1960 when the new netball courts were opened in Redoubt Street. The late Mrs E. Birnie was elected President in 1961 and Mrs Betty Reid took over in 1962.
  • A representative team from Taupo, with Mrs Reid as manager travelled to Whangarei in that year, to participate in a tournament there. Among the players were Barbara Williams (nee Wallace), Judith McGreevy (nee Delany) and the late Margaret Hurae (nee Pitiroi).
  • The pavilion at the Redoubt Street courts brought in 1968 was a small shed, which served as a shop, changing rooms and office. There were no toilets and the players either used the facilities at the Taupo Gymnasium Hall or those at the nearby camping ground.
  • In 1967, a very strong Putaruru team won the Story Cup but in 1968 under the leadership of Dianne Grant (nee Broughton), Taupo won this coveted outdoor basketball trophy for the first time since its inception.
  • The year 1966 heralded the arrival to Taupo of the late Mrs Christina Wills, proficient sports administrator and promoter of netball and softball from junior to senior level.
  • Mrs Wills showed a keen interest in netball and was soon heavily involved in the administration of the sport. She also exerted tremendous influence on the development of softball in Taupo.
  • The year 1968 saw the name of outdoor Basketball officially changed to NETBALL.
  • Barbara Williams who was a South Waikato representative in 1960 and 1961, but played only once on both occasions, was the outstanding centre of the team in 1969 and was rested in only one game at the Dominion tournament in Wanganui. She was Taupo's netball player of the year