The 2020s


  • The start of the Covid19 Pandemic occurred and created havoc and stressful times all around the world, with NZ battling the pandemic in its own way and with it came changes to all NZers lives.  Our netball season was affected but the shortened season proceeded, although with a very late start due to lockdowns and restrictions, running through from June until September.  The extra work that was required to deliver netball during Covid19 was immense, following government requirements, contact tracing and gathering restrictions were challenging and meant no spectators could attend unless a parent of a child.​​​​​​​  We were unable to have representative teams due to the pandemic however were able to deliver most of our other development programmes
  • Heatpumps were installed downstairs and upstairs, finally providign good quality heating, due to funding received


  • With Covid19 still looming and affecting all of the world, we were fortunate enough to get most of the season completed between the 1st and 2nd lockdowns, with a reduced season of 12 weeks planned and 11 were completed, so no finals were able to be completed. 
  • Julia Panoa obtained her service award after 10 years of service to TNC
  • New goal posts were installed on 8 of the 10 courts due to funding received.  The new goals were adjustable in heights without the need for ladders and putting personal at risk health and safety wise



  • With Covid19 still affecting the world it was reduced risk which meant our season went ahead with little issues but the teams often struggled to field teams with many players contracting Covid19 and having to isolate for 7 days, which provided challenges for everyone but compromise and adapting was key to get through and have everyone still enjoy their season.
  • Julia Panoa was contracted to fulfill the Coach Development Manager role which we were fortunate enough to get funding for from NWBOP.