20 Court Sprints

Time yourself completing twenty sprints from end to end on the squash court, or set out 10 metre apart cones, and complete twenty sprints.

Beep Test

Complete a beep test, record the level achieved.

Long Jump 

Standing still with feet together, launch yourself forwards and try and jump as far forwards as you can.  Measure from start point to where the back of your back foot lands.

Ball Transfer - Test

Put a racket flat against the wall on each side of the service box.  Put six squash balls on one racket.  Transfer one at a time from right to left, concentrating on lunging in and out of pick up and dropping off, and crossing the T each time.  After swapping the six balls to the left return to the T.  Then transfer all six balls one at a time from left to right, and return to the T.  Time this drill.

2.5 Kilometre Run

Complete a 2.5 kilometre run and time this.


Set out six cones evenly across the width of the court, or approximately over 6.5 metres.  As fast as you can zig zag through the cones, and back.  Complete there and back ten times, and record your time.

Figure 8

Hit the ball to the back hand corner aiming to hit the front wall first, then side wall and to return to you near the T, let the ball bounce and then using a back hand shot aim for the forehand front corner to hit the front wall, side wall and return to you near the T.

Side to Side

Standing near the T, hit a forehand shot directly at the side wall allowing the ball to travel over your head, hit the opposite side wall and bounce, then hit a back hand shot directly into the side wall to do the same, each time you strike the ball counts as one, see how many you can do.

Target Drops

Standing on the 'T' get someone to feed you a ball just in front of the T, and play a drop shot into a pre set target area to suit your ability.  Count how many you can get into your target area within one minute.

Service Box Drives

See how many drives you can hit into the service box within one minute.  Forehand, and then try back hand.

Corner Volleys

Standing near a corner, hit the ball onto the side wall, then front wall, then front wall then side wall, backwards and forwards without letting it bounce (on the volley).  COunt how many you can do in one minute.