TouchFit 360

What is TouchFit 360?

“…It’s more than a warm up, the warm up is only one principle component out of 9”

TouchFit 360 is a sport performance and body and mind preservation framework, developed to enable all Touch members to get an enhanced experience within the sport.

Fit for Life: Touch NZ wants members to be a part of the sport as long as possible (cradle till the grave) and get the most out of the game by promoting safe, positive, and SportSmart practises. In other words, advocating the knowledge and values to allow players and members to be involved for longer.

TouchFit 360 also provides guidance on how to improve performance by minimising the risk of injury for everyone who is physically active. The framework consists of nine principles to help you stay SportSmart: Participant/Athlete environment; Psychology; Player profiling; Physical conditioning; Skills and technique; Food and fluid; Injuries; Target population; Player wear and equipment.

TouchFit 360 - 9 principles?

TouchFit 360 education can be catagorised into 9 principles 

1.Player profiling
2. Physical conditioning
3. Psychology
4. Skill and Technique
5. Food and Fluid
6. Player wear
7. Athlete environment
8. Injuries
9. Target groups

TouchFit 360 Key Audience?
The TouchFit 360 programme is intended for:

  • Participants/Athletes
  • Coaches
  • Supporters
  • Parents
  • Managers
  • Referees
  • Educators

TouchFit 360 Warm up 

A study published by the British Medical Journal in 2008 found that teams performing this warm up at least twice a week had 37% fewer training injuries and 29% fewer game injuries. Severe injuries reduced by almost 50%.

This warm up should replace your usual warm up prior to training and games. While all individual athletes will benefit from this warm up no matter what sport they play, there are also specific warm up versions for netball, league, football and rugby.

This warm up is based on the FIFA 11+ warm up programme and fits under ACC SportSmart Principle 2 – Physical conditioning.

This warm up covers the three key elements of effective injury prevention for sport: core strength, muscular control and balance, and plyometrics and agility.

Check out some of our TouchFit 360 videos....