Safety Information
At swimmer registration you will receive a swim cap which must be worn for your event and a race number which will be written on your hand. The race number will not only be used to time your race but also acts as a safety tool allowing us to reconcile swimmer numbers into and out of the water.
Swimmers must attend the compulsory safety briefing for their race which will be held in the race start area for their event 10 minutes prior to the commencement of their race.
If you are a nervous swimmer and would like the safety craft personnel to keep a closer watch on you around the course please make yourself known to race officials immediately after your safety briefing. We will provide you with an alternative coloured swim cap so the kayakers can easily identify you in the water.
There will be safety craft on the water, both powered craft & kayaks, patrolling the course for the duration of the events. While in the water swimmers must comply with all directions from safety craft personnel.
Safety craft personnel will have ULTIMATE authority to remove a competitor from the swim if the competitor is judged to be physically incapable of continuing the swim without risk of serious injury or death. This will include any swimmers unable to reach the first buoy before the designated cut-off time for their event.
If a swimmer requires assistance during their swim they should raise one arm to signal to safety craft personnel that they require assistance. If you are unable to raise your arm you should roll onto your back to float in a relaxed position and shout out to alert one of the safety craft personnel to your need for assistance.
There will be first aid trained volunteers both on the powered safety vessels and in the finishing area to help in the event of an emergency.
If you choose to withdraw from the event after you have registered but before the event commences you must advise an event official in the finish area so your race number can be accounted for.
First Buoy Cut-Off Times
Safety craft personnel will remove you from the water if you are unable to reach the first marker buoy for your event within the following designated times:
500m 5 minutes
1.5km 15 minutes
2.5km 15 minutes
5.0km 30 minutes