All players are required to be registered with Wellington West Netball (WWN) to play for Wadestown School in the competition. Please register here

Registration will close on 23rd March.

Our fee is $65 per Year 5-8 player for the season and can be paid into the Wadestown School Bank Account 12-3140-0332772-00 with your childs name and netball once you have registered.


Round 1: Term 2

  • 4th and 11th May: Grading tournament days for Years 7 & 8 (Senior grade)
  • 4th May - 6th July: Round 1 for Years 5 & 6
  • 18th May - 6th July: Round 1 for Years 7 & 8 and 3 & 4
  • NB: Sat 1st June - King's Birthday Weekend No game - 13th and 20th July No games

Round 2: Term 3

  • 27th July - 31st August: Round 2 All grades

WWN Courts Duty

All families are expected to help out on our duty days (one each term - jobs include court set-up/pack down and timing).


Cardinal McKeefry School - 66 Albemarle Road, Northland


We will deliver Netball New Zealand's futureFERNS programme for Year 1-4 players in terms 2 & 3 of 2024.

Year 3-4 players enrolled in the programme play in the WWN Saturday morning competition from 18th May.

The fee for the season is $45 per Yr 3-4 player.

Year 1-2 players will play in a Fun Festival on the 3rd and 10th of August. Rain date:17th of August.

Games will start at 11:00am and finish at 12:30.

They will be played on the back courts at Cardinal Mckeefry School (turn left as you walk in the main gate).

Please be there at 10:45 to get your children set and ready to go. 

Be ready for some next level cuteness. 

There is no fee for Year 1-2 players. 

If your child is in Year 1 & 2 and would like to participate in Wadestown School junior netball, please contact Charlotte McCallum-Mallard by emailing

Netball Fee    

$65 per player for Year 5-8 players and $45 per player for Year 3-4 players for the season. This covers uniforms, balls, first aid equipment and WWN registration fees. Note: Players will be accepted for one Saturday school team only as all sports teams require full team participation and start times can vary.

Coaches, Managers and Umpires

Netball at Wadestown School, as with other schools, relies on parent volunteers to coach, manage, and umpire games. ​Each team needs a coach, manager and umpire. If you are interested in assisting your child’s team please complete the relevant fields in the registration form. Training is available for all volunteers.

Lunchtime /Before School / After School Training

All teams meet for practice once a week. Coaching session times vary per team depending on the availability of the coach.


Wadestown School supplies each netball player with a navy netball skirt (girls only) for the season. Boys wear the Wadestown School navy sports shorts. The Wadestown School red sports polo shirt must be worn by all players. Black leggings can be worn under skirts/shorts on cold days and a plain long sleeved t-shirt or wool undergarment can be worn under the polo. No track pants, gloves, sweatshirts or jackets can be worn when playing.

All jewellery must be removed, including earrings. Please don’t get ears pierced during the season as tape is not allowed to cover earrings