The 2024 Season has begun. Please see below for further information

Wainuiomata Athletic & Harrier Club In​​​​​​​c. Est. 1955

Richard Prouse Park​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Hine Road​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


First day of the 2024 season

Saturday 16th March, 9am Richard Prouse Park

Club days

Tuesday 5:30pm and Thursdays 5:30pm

Bike park end of Waiu Street Wainuiomata

Saturdays 9am and Sundays 8am

Clubrooms Richard Prouse Park, Hine Road. Wainuiomata

Contact: for more information - Club Captain - President

Our members range in age from children under 9 to 70s, some of them being entire families. We enjoy a happy, friendly comradeship, and support and encourage each other in our pursuits. While some of us have been running since our school days others had not​​​​​​​ participated in any form of running until joining the Club. A few of us began as walkers and went on to running, others prefer to remain walkers.We meet at our Clubrooms each Saturday at 1:45pm from March to October. We have several packs each catering for a different level of pace and fitness. On a Sunday morning several packs can also be seen doing their thing. Smaller groups meet during the week (mornings and evenings) at times arranged between themselves.Our Club has a structured events programme, included in which are points races, our own pack runs and some with other clubs. Running and walking on the road and off-road on some of Wainuiomata’s great tracks is enjoyed by our members at the same time as sharing good company and friendship. We also organise social evenings for our members and their friends. Among our members are some keen half and full marathoners.From a small beginning The Wainuiomata Classic (formerly the Wainuiomata Mountain Fun Run and Walk) is now in its 21st year and is continuing to grow.  It now also includes the College-Challenge, open to all greater-Wellington college students.Clubrooms: Richard Prouse Park, Hine Road, Wainuiomata.New members are always welcome!Come along and join in with one of our packs.