What members get
First of all to be a member - make sure you've filled out a Membership Form!
Senior Membership Form - Download, complete, scan and return
Junior Membership Form - Download, complete, scan and return
Court Access Only Membership Form - Download, complete, scan and return
Email your completed membership form or drop it into the Club.
Once you're a member, there's plenty of opportunities for you to play tennis and get value for money.
You have to enter things yourself, usually by popping your name on the entry form in the clubrooms. You can enter night leagues (limited spaces available but reserves are always needed), club tournaments, play interclub, or just arrange a casual hit-up if the courts aren't booked.
The membership year officially runs from 1 September to 31 August each year.
Fees and our prompt payment discount
It's best to pay your fees early for three reasons:
- Seniors - You get a discount if you pay early by 31 October. A late fee of $30 is applied after this if a payment plan has not been arranged.
- If they're not paid by 1 December, it's against the rules to enter things.
- Christmas is fast approaching and money is harder to find.
Can't pay it all up front?
Once you're a member we'll send you an invoice.
If you're not going to be able to pay your fees upfront in full, it's OK to pay them off but you MUST tell us first there's nothing more embarrassing than us chasing you. Please talk with Julie Day (021 342 555) to let her know your plans.
NOTE: People with outstanding fees from a previous year won't be eligible to play until the outstanding balance is paid.
How to pay
- Internet banking - our preference
ANZ Bank, 06-0569-0007418-00
Reference: Your name + Junior / Senior - Cash - pop it into a sealed envelope, or money bag (some in the office) with your name in it, and post it through the slot in the office.
If you want a receipt just ask Julie.
Access cards
- Subscriptions must be paid in full
- One card per family
- One court to be used per cardholder, with a total of 4 people on the court at any one time.
- If the use of the courts or facilities are abused the card will be de-activated.
- Courts may not be available for use during organised club events or approved interclub team practices (refer to the club’s Events Calendar and weekly Match Committee approved court usage)
- The following items are not allowed on the courts: skateboards, bikes, animals, glass.