Subs for the softball season 2024-2025

Tee ball (U8)                                               $20 

Tee ball fees includes:  Tshirt/bib,cap,  gloves, balls, bats, tee.

What do you need to buy:  Nothing extra, whatever shorts and shoes are comfy - just pack a drink bottle, hat and sunblock.

Rookie (U10)                                             $60

Rookie fees includes:  Playing shirt and pants, balls, bats, caps, gloves if needed or BYO.  Annual Membership to Waiuku Rugby Club

What do you need to buy: A glove if you can, sports shoes.  As above, drink bottle, hat, sunblock.

Junior Softball (U11 & U13)                             $80

Rookie fees includes:  Playing shirt, pants, balls, bats, caps, gloves if needed or BYO. Annual Membership to Waiuku Rugby Club

What do you need to buy: A glove if you can and sports shoes.  As above, drink bottle, hat, sunblock.

Junior Softball (U15)                             $110

Rookie fees includes:  Playing shirt, pants, balls, bats, caps, gloves if needed or BYO. Annual Membership to Waiuku Rugby Club

What do you need to buy:  A glove and sports shoes/rubber cleats.  As above, drink bottle, hat, sunblock.

Divison 1 & 2Mens/Womens                         $150

Divvy fees include:  Playing shirt, caps/visors, balls, bats, Annual Membership to Waiuku Rugby Club

What do you need to buy: A glove!  If you need help with choosing the right one, just wait and borrow someone elses for trainings/ games and we'll help direct you.  Black shorts/tights/pants and sports shoes.  As above, drink bottle, hat, sunblock for games.

*Please note, all uniforms, gear and safety equipment belong to the club and must be returned at the end of the season.