This year we developed The Wakatipu Way, a document outlining how the School Values that sit within the Akonga profile relate to the sporting environment at Wakatipu. This details what a great sportsperson does on the sports field / court and in school in terms of the values of excellence, respect, responsibility, resilience, and inclusion.
This was developed in conjunction with our Sports Council. It was really valuable hearing from our student athletes themselves how they see the school values manifesting in sport.
Coaches have been shared this document so students will be held accountable to these expectations in their teams.
In the first week of Term 2 the Sports Department held a Player/Parent Information Session for all students involved in sport and active recreation at WHS. The session covered the WHS vision for sport, pathways, values in sport and students expectations from a school point of view and had guest speakers Aaron Callaghan from the Otago Rugby Union talking about Balance is Better and Dr Sarah Beable from Axis Sports Medicine discussing athlete welfare and wellbeing. The session was recorded and is well worth a watch over a cup of tea if you missed it:
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Frankton, Queenstown, 9300
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