The Arts

Achievements in the Arts

Apart from the weekly assemblies, there are occasions where the College recognizes and applauds the achievements of its students through the presentation of Blues, Honours badges or Merit certificates. This applies equally to all artistic activities. The Arts Director generally hears of such successes but there are some students who reach representative status outside the college’s domain, and we don’t know about it.

We need you to tell us about your achievements:

  • If you know of a Wellington College student (including yourself) who has participated in an external cultural event, please let Mr. Smith know.

Fees and Payment options 

For some activities, we require you to sign up for membership. For others, there are fees

that must be paid before a student can be involved. This is not negotiable however if there is a difficulty with this, please contact Mr. Smith to discuss the matter. [email protected]

For activities that require fees, there is an online method of payment with the registration form. This is the preferred method but students may also pay at Accounts. 

Arts List & Registration/Membership