Parents and Supporters
Transport to regattas is either by way of car pooling, mini-van or bus. Parent volunteers are called upon to be mini-van drivers.
If parents wish to make alternative travel arrangements for their son after the regatta, they must inform the coaches and parent helpers as a head count is done before leaving.
Supporters bring ...
Wellington College tent
The Wellington College tent is the base from which the boys refuel, rest and support other Wellington College and Star crews at away regattas. It is also a meeting point for boys, parents and supporters.
The boat park is for coaches and crews only.
A race debrief occurs after each race before the boys return back to the supporters’ tent.
Sports Director
Dave Keat
04 802 2547
Sports and Active Recreation Manager
Michele Munro
021 801 077
Sports Advisor
Bronwyn Chin
04 803 0309