Wellington College has a proud history of involvement in sport but all students should remember that the reason for attending college is education.
Selection or involvement in extra-curricular activities at any level requires all students to maintain a high work ethic and standard of behaviour in the classroom. Failure to do so could result in extra-curricular opportunities being restricted and we would like to see this avoided at all costs.
For those selected for the Premier teams a contract will be required to be signed by the students and parents supporting this regime.
We look forward to your involvement in a full and exciting extra-curricular sports programme. Read through the FAQ's if you have any questions re registration key dates, payment/refunds etc - you may find your answers there. If not, please contact us at the Sports office, we'd be happy to help out - contact Dave Keat Sports Director d.keat@wc.school.nz
They open on 28th November 2024 - click on the drop down menu above "online registration forms" or go to each individual sport and click on the link there. Summer sports registrations close on Wed 5th of February and Winter sports registrations close on Wed 26th of February to allow for trials etc to take place in Term 1.
Wellington College has a policy where students are required to pay for all extra-curricular sports they participate in, upon registration. Payment must be made online (either by debit or credit card) for registrations to process.
Please note: A payment Gateway Cost will be incurred by the payee.
If you wish to pay by cash or cheque at the Finance office your son needs to go in, make the payment then he will be given a receipt along with details for seeing the staff in the sports office Please note: the student is not registered for the sport until we receive the completed form and payment. The student must be registered before he is eligible to trial and/or play.
Contact the Sports Department. d.keat@wc.school.nz We will provide a link for you to register and let the convenor know. The convenor will then contact you with details of what you need to do next. However, please note, that if it is a sport where trials have taken place, you may not be guaranteed a place on any team, or you may be assigned a spot on a team that plays in a lower grade than you want to play in.
If you find yourself not being able to afford the registration fee, please contact the Sports Director, Dave Keat, d.keat@wc.school.nz to discuss further.
All sports associated payments (including traditionals/transport and tournaments) from the previous season must be paid for before you are eligible to trial/play for any team this season. Check your son's kamar account or contact the Finance office if you are unsure. Contact the Sports office if you have any questions.
You should get your parent/caregiver to email the sports department to let them know you are no longer interested as soon as possible. If the sport has completed its trials, then you will only get 75% back, if we are notified within the first 4 weeks of the season you get 50% refund. If it's after half way through the season, then it is not likely that you will get any refund. So let us know as soon as possible if you are concerned about refunds. Don't leave it until the season has ended, you may not get a refund.
Yes. First, all you have to do is send an email to the sports department to let them know. They will then register you for your new sport(s) and let the convenor(s) know.Please note: If the registration fees for the sport(s) you wish to swap to are more than the your original choice, you will have to pay the additional fees. If the fees are the same, the Sports department will arrange for the fees to be transferred from one sport to your new selections. If a refund is required, then the Sports department will contact you to discuss. If trials have already occurred and the teams are full, then you may not be able to play in a competitive team.
Yes you can. If you attended trials and did not participate in the sport at any time your parent/caregiver can receive a refund (less admin fee 25%). Withdrawal within the first 4 weeks of the season can give you a 50% refund. Please note: Refunds will not be paid back to students. Please let the Sports Office know as soon as possible during the season of play.
At Wellington College we endeavor to provide everyone with the opportunity to trial for the team of their choice and code.
Trials particularly for winter sports are organized to allow the students to continue with their summer sport commitments which should take priority. Trial dates, where possible, should be organized on different days of the week to allow flexibility around this.
Team selection will take into account this availability and coaches from the various codes will make every effort to work together to provide students with the opportunity to be seen.
Unfortunately injuries are a common occurrence in sport and in some cases this will prevent a student being able to trial. Sports will make every effort to accommodate a student who has an injury that will not allow him to trial but there will be a cut off date (set by the code) by which he must be physically able to participate in trials 100%. If he cannot achieve this he will be ineligible for selection this team and he will be placed in another for this season.
There will be some flexibility given to Premier team selection if the player involved has previously played for the team and coaches are aware of his progress on and off the field.
Sports Director
Dave Keat
Sports and Active Recreation Manager
Michele Munro
021 801 077 m.munro@wc.school.nz
Sports Advisor
Bronwyn Chin
04 803 0309