Introduction and FAQs


Wellington College has a proud history of involvement in sport but all students should remember that the reason for attending college is education.

Selection or involvement in extra-curricular activities at any level requires all students to maintain a high work ethic and standard of behaviour in the classroom. Failure to do so could result in extra-curricular opportunities being restricted and we would like to see this avoided at all costs.

For those selected for the Premier teams a contract will be required to be signed by the students and parents supporting this regime.

We look forward to your involvement in a full and exciting extra-curricular sports programme.  Read through the FAQ's if you have any questions re registration key dates, payment/refunds etc - you may find your answers there.  If not, please contact us at the Sports office, we'd be happy to help out - contact Dave Keat Sports Director 


When do the sports registrations open for 2025?

What does "No Pay No Play" mean?

When do the summer sports registrations close?

When do the winter sports registrations close?

If I didn't register for a sport before registrations closed, can I still play?

What if my parent/caregiver cannot afford the registration fee?

I haven't paid all my sports fees for the previous season, can I still play? 

I registered for a sport and I no-longer wish to play, what should I do?

I registered for a sport but haven't played, can I swap to another sport?

If I am no longer playing a sport, can I get a refund of the funds I paid for that sport?

Can Juniors (Year 9 and 10's) play in Senior Teams?

If I get injured before trials, can I still trial for a competitive team?