Create a Maprun course:
International Orienteering Federation Mapping
International Specification for Orienteering Maps - current map symbols
IOF Control Descriptions - current control descriptions
New Zealand Orienteering Federation
Technical, NZOF Competition Rules - course colour technical difficulty and NZ specific symbols
Purple Pen
Free course setting sofitware for OCAD maps and creating control description sheets
Urban Pathfinding Series
Pathfinding information sheet
Pathfinding course setter's notes
Pathfinding blank clue sheet
As Pathfinding is loosely based on Melbourne Street Orienteering the following resources may be useful (key difference is we use clues instead of control sites):
Melbourne Street Orienteering - Course Setting
Orienteering Victoria - Organising Park and Street events
Orienteering Western Australia Technical References
Newcastle Orienteering Club - Street Events
British Orienteering Mapping & Planning
What's different about Sprint - Planning issues shows how to minimise obvious route choice in urban environments
Winter Series
Results spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Template)
Results spreadsheet (OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template)
Automatically calculates time from start and finish and can be sorted by time (or course, number of controls and time) to give overall results
British Orienteering Mapping & Planning
Lots of valuble resources, most noticebly Graham Nilsen's Course Planning Guide; please be aware technical difficulty colours do not directly relate to NZ colours
Peninsula And Plains Orienteers Resources
Planning, particularly Event planning Section 3 – Planning Great Courses on setting interesting white and yellow courses
How to plan courses for club events by Bruce Collins
Wellington Orienteering Club Course Planning
Orienteering Louisville Guidelines for Volunteers
Course Setting Guide
Broken links? Let us know