Notice of the Invercargill Hockey Association Annual General Meeting.

The Invercargill Hockey Association Annual General Meeting shall be held at The Invercargill Turf, Camden Street, Invercargill and shall commence at 7:00pm on Monday March 14th 2022

  1. Nominations for Executive Office Bearers & Hockey Southland Board should be received by the Secretary no later than 14 days prior to the AGM. (as per the attached clause 7.1 of the constitution passed Nov 21)
  2. Should a member or club have any resolutions and or remits for the AGM they are required to be submitted to the Secretary no less than 21 days prior to the meeting
  3. Notice of Business and a list of nominees for the positions will be distributed not less than 10 days prior to the meeting.

Kind regards

Sue Wilson
Invercargill Hockey Association Inc.

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