Trials for 2024

All trials will be held at the Dudley Netball Courts in Rangiora.

Tuesday 5 March
Future Ferns Years 5-6 from 4.00-5.00pm
Future Ferns Years 7-8 from 5.00-6.00pm
Grade (Years 9-13 and Adults) from 6.00pm

Thursday 7 March
Future Ferns Years 5-6 from 4.00-5.00pm
Future Ferns Years 7-8 from 5.00-6.00pm
Grade (Years 9-13 and Adults) from 6.00pm

Please note you must attend both trial dates. Please arrive 15 minutes before hand to receive your trial
number and instructions to be ready to go on time.  Appropriate clothing and footwear must be worn.
There is to be no jewellery worn and if you could refrain from using body moisturiser so we can write
​​​​​​​your trial number clearly.