Join Us

Membership at Awatere Golf Club is not restricted.

You can join under the following memberships and enjoy year round Golf and numerous club competitions and prizes. This course is well maintained and the competition is very competitive.

Subscriptions as follows for the 2024 Season.

                                                    Subs             Levies           Total                         Tick Below

Full Membership                    $334.00       $66.00           $400.00         Handicap if any ______

Beginners Membership        $189.00       $66.00          $255.00

Conditional                             $204.00        $66.00         $270.00                  See notes below

Junior                                      $95.00          Nil                 $95.00

Summer                                  $140.00          $35.00        $175.00                  (Nov to Feb)

Please Note: Conditional Members cannot play in club competitions or Saturdays.

For internet banking users: SBS 03 1355 0533521 00

Our members can't wait to meet you. Contact Us if you have any other query. 

Click on "Membership Nomination Form" and print off to complete.