We are a club that rewards both participation and achievement with points.

We run a 4 week rotating programme from October to March. For the first half of the season (October - December) we run a skills focussed programme (Run, Jump, Throw - Athletics NZ) aimed at developing technique and helping our athletes learn and grow confidence in a safe, positive learning environment without the pressure of placing. We have the odd points event to complement the kids’ learning so they can apply what they’ve learned. In the second half of the season, we are more points focussed.

Each age group’s Team Leader has a folder with instructions how to collect and award these points from the start of the season. They also have access to our Bellevue Points Excel spreadsheet to collate points during the year that we encourage to use, but they can record manually if they choose. They are also supplied Athlete of the Day certificates and/or ribbons to hand out to athletes that demonstrate our Bellevue culture, such as great listening, sportsmanship, effort, improvement, supporting their peers or themselves positively, or overcoming a challenge.

This is how our points add up:

For attendance

Each registered child earns 1 point for correct uniform and 1 point for attendance every club night they attend. Correct uniform is as follows:

2-4 years - with age flash pinned on a t-shirt
5-6 years - mini club or club t-shirt with bottle green shorts and age flash pinned
Junior club - club t-shirt, singlet or crop top with bottle green shorts and age flash pinned

For competition

All track and field events are awarded the following points in each age group:

1st = 4 points
2nd = 3 points
3rd = 2 points
4th = 1 points

Depending on the group size and skill level, each group will have a practise throw then 2 to 3 measured throws. Measurements and placings are recorded on the official Colgate forms at each station. Team Leaders take these forms home. 

NB. Run, Jump, Throw activities are not points based.

Distances and times are also recorded and PBs (personal bests) should be noted. 

Mini Club only: Each club night the athletes are run in groups of 4 so everyone earns points x 2 races. The 5 & 6 yr olds have 2 other events to earn points in Jumping & Throwing.

End of season

By the end of the season, Team Leaders will have added up all points for attendance and placings for all club nights to give a total overall. Prior to our prizegiving, the Team Leaders are issued a form requesting the results for trophy engravings and certificates - 1st - 4th coloured red, blue, yellow, green and 5th onwards. Participation certificates are cream.

For the trophies, we ask our Team Leaders to also pick:


2 years
Champion Trophy
Runner Up Trophy
Sportsmanship Award Trophy

3-6 years 
Champion Trophy
Most Improved Trophy
Sportsmanship Award Trophy

Champion Trophy
Field Cup (best in Field events overall)
Then Team Leader choice of:
Sportsmanship Award OR Team Leader Choice OR Most Improved

For a full list of trophies, visit our Prizegiving page here.