Business House

Our Business House league is a chance to invite workmates to our club, form a team, get active, socialise and most importantly, team bonding! This is run several times during the year on a Thursday night, from 6.30pm – 8.30pm for 10 weeks.

The Business House league was trialled in 2017 as a way of introducing new players to the club by running an organised 10 week competition on Thursday evenings for local Business teams to play in a fun and social environment. Many of the players that compete in our Business House league are 'first timers' who have never picked up a racket before, and many turn into full members as they enjoy the competition so much. 

Business House Rules

  • 12 teams, 10-week competition
  • $200 per team payable on the first night
  • You have to field 5 players per week. At least 3 or more of your team must be lower than D grade, and at least 2 must be F/E grade and below OR all players can be ungraded (if you prefer we can find some graded players for your team)
  • Team playing order is highest graded or strongest player down to the lowest graded or weakest player (1 = highest player - 5 = lowest player), this determines who you will be versing from the opponents team. You can play in any order on the night.
  • One player from either team marks the game. Graded players to support non-graded players hot to score and referee.
  • Games start at 6.30pm with a 2 minute warm up and then 15 minutes straight play with continuous scoring. 
  • Having 5 players means there will be no draws. Teams can win 5-0, 4-1 or 3-2.
  • Maximun of 10 players registered at any time.

First 5 rounds will be grading rounds. There will be two divisions for the last 5 rounds. Trophy for each division winners.

Games will finish around 8pm. Meet in the lounge for refreshments (bar is open), readind the results and giving out spot prizes. Snacks can be purchased from the kitchen, or the club may provide supper. 

There will be random prizes on the Thursday nights, and then a big prizegiving on the finals night!

This is a fun league, and will be a good introduction to the Club, the facilities and to enjoy learning about Squash!

Email Ashley West at [email protected] for a Team Registration form or to register your interest for the next round.