Ohoka Netball Club



For the Ohoka Netball Club (ONC) to ensure player safety by providing information through Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) and Netball NZ procedures and guidelines.


If a player receives an impact to the head or body which causes the brain to shake inside the skull, concussion can occur. If a player is knocked out or loses consciousness, they have suffered a concussion.


  • Watch for the following signs in the first 24-48 hours and if any are shown, hospital treatment must be sought immediately:

    • Have a headache that gets worse.

    • Are very drowsy or can’t be woken up.

    • Can’t recognise people or places.

    • Pass out or have a blackout.

    • Vomit more than three times.

    • Behave unusually or seem confused.

    • Are very irritable.

    • Have seizures (arms and legs jerk uncontrollably).

    • Have weak arms or legs, are unsteady on your feet.

    • Slurred Speech.

  • Do not sleep for the first four hours after the initial incident. A normal night’s sleep is fine. If there is trouble waking the following morning, medical help must be sought.

  • Alcohol must not be consumed or sleeping pills taken for at least 48 hours.

  • Do not drive for at least 24 hours. You can drive again when you stop feeling giddy and feel well

    enough. Discuss this with your doctor.

  • It is safe to take Paracetamol such as Pamol for your headache. Do not take tablets containing Aspirin,

    DisprIn, Nurofen (Ibuprofen) or Voltaren (Diclofenac) for the following four days. This type of medication can make any cuts or bruises (internal or external) bleed more.


    If player suffers a concussion, they must immediately leave the court and stand down from any play, including training, for minimum of three weeks.

    If concussion is suspected, the player must leave the court immediately and get medical clearance before returning to play.

    Players must be symptom free and have medical clearance before returning to play. Any medical advice will be followed, including a gradual return to play plan.

    ONC must site the medical clearance and will hold on file for a 12 month period.

    For in-depth information on concussion, please click on the link below:

    https://accsportsmart.co.nz/assets/assets-final/resources-final/ACC7555-ACCSportSmart-concussion- national-guidelines.pdf