You do not need to login, or 'Register Interest' to read yachting information from this website. Use the menu along the top of the screen to access information.

'Southern Tack Yachting Information' site was created to provide better access to collective information about yachting events in the southern area. The aim is to promote club events, grow the yachting community and get more people on the water.

Southern Tack is a free independent service working in the interest of public, associations, clubs, and yacht owners to provide information on yachting events. Only positive material that has the future and wellbeing of yachting in the southern region at heart is published by Southern Tack.

Yachting notices are collected during the week and emailed out on Thursdays to people that have 'Registered Interest" on this website. You may read the most recent club posts on the home page of this website during the week. You can also view notices for repectiv clibs via the 'Club Information Links'. Posts include all event information that was received from yacht clubs via email, facebook, Yachting Otago and public announcements.

The main feature of Southern Tack is to keep an up-to-date 'Event Calendar' for the season including any details about events as they come to hand. Any notices releating to each event are added to the details of each calendar event as they come to hand.

Use our 'Facebook' link above to access even more general information about yachting. You do not have to be signed up with Facebook to read this information, however you will need to signup to contribute on this Facebook page.

Yacht Clubs who wish to advertise their yachting events need to include our email address into their club email distributions. ([email protected]). That way you don't have to remember to notify Southern Tack separately with any updates. Any private club information is not advertised as only event information is copied across to Southern Tack.

The information displayed on Southern Tack depends on yacht clubs having an information partnership with Southern Tack. Please check directly with the club if you have any concerns about an event.

We hope you enjoy and benefits of using Southern Tack Yachting Information.