The Junior High School Competition will continue as per the scheduled draw under the following conditions


  • MAXIMUM OF 1 PARENT/CAREGIVER per player to be watching the game 
  • Where practical maintain social distancing of 2m from people you do not know 
  • Fill in the attendance register as you enter the turf (players attendance will be recorded by their manager/coach) 
  • Please come to the turf only at the starting time of the game you are watching & leave immediately after the game (Tomorrow's games will be 20mins halves with play starting at 4.00 pm, 5.10 pm and 6.10 pm)
  • If you are sick stay at home 


  • For this week only games will be 20mins halves (this is to allow teams to have a 10min warm-up on the turf prior to their game)
  • No teams are to warm up on the practice turf or anywhere other than the turf itself 
  • Ensure players arrive at the turf ready to play (mouth guards in, shin pads on etc) & not before 3.50 pm, 5.00 pm and 6.00 pm respectively and leave immediately 
  • Please give teams exiting the turfs after their games space to do so 
  • Only coaches/managers and players are permitted in the dugout - no extra's 
  • Clearly write the first and last names of your all players, coaches and managers on the scorecard  
  • Make sure any players who are feeling sick stay at home and players wash their hands thoroughly if using the bathrooms