Upper Hutt Tigers Rugby League

The Upper Hutt Rugby League has established its presence in the Upper Hutt Community over the past 60 years. During this time there have been many accomplishments. The Club has helped put Upper Hutt on the National sporting map, producing an enviable list of Kiwi Stars such as Kevin Tamati, Nelson Asofa-Solomona, Syd Eru, Stephen Kearney, Morvin Edwards, Peter Edwards, Mike Kuiti, Mark Woods, Adrian Shelford, Esene Faimalo, Dave Ewe and Bill Harrison. An indication of the strong Management and Admin proccesses is highlighted by the fact that Upper Hutt was the first Wellington League Club to totally own its own premises. It took just two years, from the seed of an idea through to completion of the building. The Practical "Get on with it" attitude remains the trademark of the clubs Management Committee.