Marist Masterton Cricket Club Code of Conduct

Any player who plays under Marist Cricket Club Masteroon Inc. shall abide by the following:

(i) Abuse of an Umpire; disputing an umpire’s decision, reacting to or questioning an umpire’s decision.

(ii) Using crude or abusive language or behaving in a crude or abusive manner.

(iii) Assaulting, attempting to or threatening to assault any person.

(iv)Drinking alcohol on the field of play or at venues before, during or after.

(v) Wearing inappropriate clothing on the field of play.

(vi) Any behaviour which may cause the game (and or club) to be brought into disrepute.

(vii) Disrespect shown towards any other Marist or opposition player, such as verbal or physical abuse.

Any player caught breaking any of the rules above will be disciplined by the club discipline committee which can be from warnings to match suspensions.