All subscriptions are due on or before 1 September each year. It helps the Club a great deal if members make prompt payment of their subscriptions well ahead of the 1st September deadline.

New members joining the Club this season are required to pay their subscription within one month from the date of their election to membership


  • A non-financial member cannot take part in any Club championship game.
  • Any existing members who fail to pay their subscription on or before the first Saturday in December become ineligible to participate in any game on the Club’s property or exercise any other privileges of membership.
  • It is a requirement of the Wellington Bowling Centre for all affiliated clubs to notify the Centres of any members whose membership has lapsed through failure to pay subscriptions. The Centres have strict rules that mean members in default with subscription dues are disqualified from obtaining membership at any other Bowling Club. Members are requested not to put themselves and the Club Executive in this position.
  • Resignations should be in the hands of the secretary prior to the AGM. Failure to do so may make a member liable for a subscription for the following season. This may hinder the issue of a clearance certificate



The Board has developed Health and Safety policies and procedures. The key components of the H & S policy are:

  • The Policy Statement
  • H & S Plan
  • Hazard Identification
  • Recording of Accidents and Incidents
  • Emergency procedures
  • Event Management

Health and Safety Rules and Regulations manuals are located on the Noticeboard and in the Match room 


The Kitchen is under the control of Linda Earle. There may be a number of events, such as Centre and Special Events, which will require a dedicated team. You may be asked to assist on these occasions.

For club and open events where the kitchen is required, all playing club members are on kitchen duty and are requested to assist in the necessary duties

Cleaning will be carried out by Sandra Foote. If you can help with this duty please contact Sandra.