Striped Marlin Jackpot

This is a four month competition starting 1st January and concluding 30th April at midnight.

You must be a financial Senior member of our club and the entry is $50 No Juniors can enter this Jackpot. Pay before you go fishing.

Targeting Striped Marlin only. Fish must be weighed on certified scales (courtesy weighs accepted).  Fill out a weigh sheet and make sure the club gets a copy - [email protected]

First prize is 60% of pool

Second is 30% of pool

Third is 10%

The club keeps the first 10% from pool before prizes awarded.

All results will be on the website and Facebook.

Entries by direct credit to 06 0337 0108148 00 - please use your name and Stripey JP as references.

You can enter at any time during the comp as long as you have paid up BEFORE you catch the big one!