Alfriston College's sports program offers learners various opporunitites throughout the year to participate and compete in over 20 different sporting codes. We have highly competitive teams that compete in national championships, local season competitions, Inter-whanau sports and fun / social lunctime time play. There is something for everyone to enjoy!
Through their participation in sport, AC learners will:
Belong, Learn, Succeed
Character - Grow leadership abilities. Promote fair play, respect, and be a positive influence on others
Confidence - Develop confidence, skills and knowledge
Competence - Strive for excellence in everything we do
Connection - Be proud of, and connected to, our community
Be caring, collaborative and wise, a thinker
Be creative, curious and enterprising
Be resilient, always joyful and demonstrate perseverance
Zest for sport: Quality sport experiences.
Our Purpose
Alfriston College looks to enhance the profile of sport in the school and its community by providing leadership and support to ensure the success of our learners. We facilitate consistent quality sport competitions, events, and work in partnerships to ensure the sporting experience is accessible, affordable, and rewarding.
Our Game Plan
Alfriston College has been operating since 2004 as a learning community dedicated to developing and supporting life-long learning. Currently, we have a little over 400 participants and the department is governed by Alfriston College staff leadership team and Ministry of Education. We operate with an immediate staff of two providing school and intra-school sport opportunities in partnership with neighbouring schools and regional sporting organisations.
Our Values
The life-long values we encourage, model and explore through our Whānau and learning programmes are Whakapapa (Connection), Ahuatanga (Character), Tū Maia (Confidence) and Mātau (Competence).
Current Sports we have on offer, while we are not limited to these we look to accomdate learners in other sports where we can.
All sport at Alfriston College is underpinned by the acronym PARADE – pride, appearance, responsibility, attitude, discipline and excellence. At Alfriston College a number of sports are on offer for each and every student to get involved in whether they are a player, coach, manager or team helper i.e scorer/referee.
We encourage AC learners to get involved and try a sport that you have never done before as there will be regular development opportunities.
How do I register for sport at AC?:
You can register for any of the sports listed in this booklet via the online registration system. A link to the online registration system can be found on the school website:
Sports Fees:
Fees need to be paid before the start of the season. Alfriston College has a “No Pay - No Play” policy. Any outstanding sport fees will need to be paid before your child is able to play sports.
How is information about sports made available?:
Information regarding sport is made available in a number of ways including the following:
School Website – The sports section on our website provides information about sports. Please regularly check the website for new updates and important information. There is also an up to date sports calendar on the website as well.
Facebook / Instagram – The ‘Alfriston College Sport’ facebook page contains information about events, photos and key reminders. Urgent messages are also listed on this page.
Sports Coordinators' Office – If you have any questions regarding sports just pop in and ask a staff member.
Sports Uniforms:
Full correct sports uniforms are acceptable and to be worn at all times when participating in any AC sports teams. Any player incorrectly dressed may not take the field/pitch/court.
Absence from Sports Practices or Games
Sickness or injuries are acceptable excuses for not participating in games or practices for sport but you must contact your coach, manager or team captain as soon as possible. Please allow a minimum of 48 hours notice of injury if you cannot participate in an upcoming game. Even if you are injured, you are still expected to attend practice to learn team drills, tactics and support the team.
Reporting Success
If you are competing in an outside school sport or representative team, please let us know about it. We like to share the successes of our learners with our wider community and would also like to promote events for students to attend.
Please email our Sports Team at with as much information as possible about the team or event, along with your results (with a photo if possible) after the event.
Parent Help and Support
As you are all well aware, to be able to successfully create opportunities for our students to both participate (either socially or competitively) and enhance their sport performance level requires the services of many personnel in various roles. We would gladly appreciate any assistance that either you or anyone else you know could offer, whether it be in a coaching, managing or umpiring capacity.
Please contact the Sport Director, Brooke Calverley if you are able to help in any way:
Contact Us
If you wish to seek support from an AC Sport team member please contact the Alfriston College Sport Department. Email: / Ph: 09 269 0800 (ext: 826)
550 Porchester Road, Randwick Park
Auckland 2105 (Google Maps Link)
+64 9 269 0080
Sport Director : Brooke Calverley
Sport Co-ordinator : Kofi Dwamena
+64 9 269 0080 ex 826