Since the club’s establishment Kylie has run an in-school programme called Empowering Girls to Gain Confidence through Touch. Kylie went into 8 schools in the Manawatu and taught the girls the basic fundamentals of the game of touch. The goal of the programme was to remove the barriers of social stigma and the fear of ridicule and judgement by providing the girls involved in the programme with a positive female role model who would help set them up with skills required for success. While teaching the participants the basic fundamentals of Touch Football, they also developed better concentration, team work, the ability to set goals, and gain confidence in themselves by achieving them.

Guy ran free Sunday jam sessions for ANYONE that wanted to know more about the game. Everyone that attended had lots of fun and even got to try out Turbo Touch!

Last season saw the club start a female only touch module to create a friendly, non-judgemental environment of fun and enjoyment that would increase female participation in sport and recreation. The module catered for already established teams or individuals that didn’t have a team to play for. The grades spread from not knowing a thing about touch, to returning mothers, to young aspiring athletes, all the way to NZ representatives. We had teams enter from Crossfit, The Police, a childcare centre, a rugby team, a mothers and daughters team just to name a few. It was a great success and we achieved what we set out. We cant wait to grow the module to make it bigger and better!

The 2020 season has seen our club expand in more ways than one. We have started up a fb page with close to 600 likes nationwide. We have encouraged players be actively involved in the committee. Starting as a two-man band to now having players in charge of our social media and marketing, and others opting to be the players voice. We always make sure that our players are giving back to the community by helping run skill sessions or do their part to help the smooth running of the module.