Welcome to Waitakere Badminton

Reminder - Waitakere Badminton is a SMOKEFREE environment. Thank you! 

The Waitakere Badminton Centre is located at 149 - 155 Royal Road, Massey (by the traffic lights opposite the Mobil Petrol Station). It has 12 playing courts that are available for casual hire.

Office Hours

Monday 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Tuesday 7.00 am - 1.00 pm (working from home)
Wednesday 9:00 am - 9.00 pm
Saturday 7.00 am - 12 midday
Sunday 7.00 am - 12 midday (working from home)

Looking to play: purchase a computer lighting card $25.00 non refundable, a court then costs $20.00 hour, you then can make your own bookings online after that.

To purchase a card refer to Office hours or you can see Ritchie at the pro shop.

Should you have a child looking to join a club then contact Ritchie and he will advise you what is available: ritchie@nzba.net.nz

Public holidays - Office closed

Phone: (09) 833 9012

Email: info@badwaitakere.com - to make an appointment 

Contact Email info@badwaitakere.com

Paul Shirley
Executive Director

Helena Gordon
Masters & Vets Secretary

Important Notices!

Please note court 12 cannot be used until 1 April 2025

The Waitakere Open is live and ready for your entry! Enter HERE