All visitors and prospective players are very welcome. 
We have two artificial greens and one of the the largest memberships of any bowling club in Hawkes Bay. 
Bowls Taradale is an adjunct of the
Taradale Club.

Address  55 Wharerangi Road, Greenmeadows.
The bowling greens are behind the Taradale Club.



ROLL-UPS - Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays.
Names in by 12.45 pm
​​​​​​​.  Visitors are very welcome.

Bowls Taradale runs several types of Pathways Coaching Programmes that are FREE to Our Members 

1. Explore and Learn Introduction Bowls 
2. Foundation Coaching
3. Development Coaching
4. Advanced Coaching.

With six Qualified Coaches and several Coaching Mentors ALL bowling opportunities are catered for: 
New players, Social roll ups, Competitive roll ups  Club Competitions,  Club Championships, Rep Player Aspirants.

Sessions are held during the week as well as the weekend for those who work.

For further detail contact :
Les Glock : cell  0276 127 749,  06 8432 486, 
e-mail :
lsglock@xtra.co.nz   or

Sheryl Glock : cell  0273 535 054,  06 8432 486, 
e-mail :

At BOWLS TARADALE  - We have Opportunities -
7 DAYS per WEEK.”




    President - Malcolm Abernethy
    Vice President - Murray Pilmer

    Secretary ​​​​​​​- Alan Dustow
    Treasurer - Brian McCarthy
    Club Captain(s) 
    Committee - Darryl Le Claire, Kay Chambers, Phil Norman, Lester Bartle
    Financial Reviewer - Kerry Christensen
    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Adjunct Delegate - Malcolm Abernethy, Murray Pilmer (Deputy)
    Tournament Convenor - Lyn Bowcock
    Tuesday 2-4-2 Convenor  - Cheryl Le Claire  
    Championship Convenor (Sen) - Lester Bartle
    Championship Convenor (Jun) - Les Glock
    Catering Convenor - Kay Chambers


    Greens  - Bruce More
    Tiger Turf Liaison - Cam Parnell

    Greens Booking - Malcolm Abernethy
    ​​​​​​​Facilities - Darryl Le Claire 


    Umpires - Warren Whyte, Lester Bartle
    Coaches - Sheryl Glock, Sheryl Viggers, Cam Parnell,  Les Glock, Eddie Slagter, John Gray, Ken Upritchard, Di Zidich, Rob Rae
    Junior Development Coordinators - Sheryl Glock, Les Glock
    Selectors -  ​​​​​​​Murray Pilmer, Louise Fitness, Paul Viggers 
    Judicial - Darryl Le Claire, Phil Norman, Warren Whyte


      Website - ​​​​​​​Lester Bartle
      Membership - Brian McCarthy
      Newsletter - John McLaughlin
      Social Media & Publicity - Sheryl Glock
      Sponsorship - Kay Chambers

      Welfare - Cheryl Le Claire
      Gala - Kay Chambers, Sue Redman
      ​​​​​​​Health and Safety - Sue Redman, Mike Wilson


      Life Members - Peter Townrow, John McLaughlin


      News 2005
      Newsletters 2006
      Newsletters 2008
      Newsletters 2009
      Newsletters 2010
      Newsletters 2011
      Newsletters 2012​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

      Newsletters 2014/15/16

      Newsletters 2016-2017
      Newsletters 2018-2019
      Newsletters 2019-2020
      Newsletters 2020-2021
      Newsletters 2021-2022
      Newsletters 2022-2023

      Newsletters 2023-2024