Keep it Positive


Buller Netball Centre has implemented the MyNetball Manager Game Day Scoring App. For 2024, it will commence on Premier Grade, and slowly be rolled out to Saturday Netball.

1. Download the App

Download the MyNetball Manager App from Google Play or App Store.

2. Login

Click on the Officials icon and either Register Here for first time users, or, Login if you are an existing Sporty user.

Enter your teams unique 6-digit scorer code

3. Score the game

Submit your teamsheet and on game day, score the game!

How to Login

How to Score

How to Select a Team

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get the app?

Download the MyNetball Manager app from the App Store and Google Play Store.

Who can access the app to score our team games?

Anyone that your team/club/school gives access to. This could be players, or non-players (e.g. Captain, Coach, Manager or Parent Volunteers).

I forgot my password

You can reset your password via the Sign in button and clicking 'Forgot Password?'.

I forgot my username

Your username is most commonly the email address that you used to register with.

I have logged in, and I can't see my game?

  1. Most commonly your draw has not been created or published. You can tell by checking on your centre website, or on the draws button.
  2. Check with your club/school admin that you have access to the right team.
  3. Ask your club/school admin to send you the login app link again, click on the appropriate link in the app and then log into the app again.​​​​​​​
  4. If this still does not resolve your issue, please note your username, the device you are using, and the Version of the App you are running (click the menu at the top right-hand side to find this). Give this information to your club/school administrator.  They can contact our support team on your behalf with details of the Club/School, Team, and your user details so we can investigate further.

What happens if on game day no-one has the app to score our game?

We recommend that more than 1 person in the team is given Scorer access for their team. For example, a player that is reliably at your games can provide their phone to a substitute on the side-line or a volunteer who could score on the app just like they normally would on a paper card.  Paper cards will still be available at the control room if all else fails.

Do you have to be online/using data to use the app?

​​​​​​​Only to select a team or submit a final result, everything else can be done offline on game day. Please note, your score will not be submitted to the Netball Centre until you reconnect to data/Wi-Fi. If you are unable to login to the app the first step is to check you have data/are connected to Wi-Fi. You could do this by browsing to a website on your phone, or by opening another app.