How do I find out about getting involved in sport at Cashmere High?

  • Cashmere Sport Website that has information about all sports and opportunities on offer. Head to Sports on Offer and then click each sport to find out more.
  • Cashmere Daily Notices will have information about meetings for students to attend. This is particularly important in Term 1 when both summer and winter sport get organised.
  • Cashmere Sports Office – located in the gym foyer, students can head along to the sports office at interval or lunch to ask questions about getting involved.
  • Cashmere Sport Social Media - on instagram and facebook for all last minute reminders

How do I register to play sport at Cashmere High?

  • Registration takes place on our sports website. Under the Sports on Offer tab each sport has its own tab with a registration link (if it is open).
  • Payment is required for the majority of registrations – if there are issues with being able to pay for registration then please contact the sports department for a manual registration.

The registration for the sport I have chosen has closed.  Can I still join?

  • Contact the Teacher in Charge of your sport.  The contact details are on that sports' page.  They will be able to let you know if there is any space available. Once confirmed, the Sports Office can sign you up manually. 

​​​​​​​I am unable to pay online.  How do I sign up?

  • See the Sports Office, they can sign you up manually and the charge can be put on your school account. 

I would like to use credit on my school account to pay.  How do I sign up?

  • See the Sports Office, they can sign you up manually and the charge and payment will be arranged with the student office. 

When is school sport played during the week?

  • Traditionally, Wednesday afternoon is when secondary school sport is played and this is the busiest day of the week. More recently there have been sports offered on other days of the week and students are able to play multiple sports. Under the Sports on Offer tab there is information regarding when sports are played during the week.

Can I play multiple sports at the same time?

  • Yes! Many students get involved in multiple sports during a term / year. The key thing to check out is the day of training / games so that these do not clash. Where there is a summer and winter sport overlap, the sport in-season takes priority (Summer - Term 1/4, Winter - Term 2/3).

When can I register for winter sport?

  • In the first few weeks of Term 1, students are only able to register for summer sport. Students should be encouraged to get involved in a sport during Term 1.
  • Trials and registration for winter sport (basketball, rugby, football, hockey, netball etc) will be advertised in the notices later in Term 1 and registration available on the sports website.

What does the registration fee I pay cover? Does it include transport?

  • Registration fees will cover all of the associated sports expenses. Usually this will include equipment, travel allowance, uniform hire charge and any entry costs for the sport. Sports are not run to make profit and any money remaining at the end of the season is used to update equipment or sets of uniforms.
  • Transport to sport venues has become increasingly more difficult and expensive. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to easily hire buses to help get students to games. School vans are used (when available) however parents may be required to help.

What if I am keen to play sport but I can’t afford it?

  • Sport at Cashmere High is a user-pays model however we want to try to reduce any financial barriers to participation if possible. Students / families that are facing issues with the costs of sport should get in touch with Head of School or the Sport Department so we can try find a solution or alternative option for getting involved. Cashmere Sport run some in-house competitions that are designed to be low cost for participants.

What is the CHS Sport Levy?

  • A sports levy is charged once for all students that play sport. This helps with being able to pay for associated administration costs and allows us to keep offering so many different opportunities. Find out more about the sport levy on the PDF right of this page.

What is Te Whare Rēhia and how can I start using this space?

  • Te Whare Rēhia - High Performance Centre was opened in July 2022 and is our school gym. The space has two different areas for both cardio and weights. Te Whare Rēhia is used by PE classes and keen students both before and after school.
  • Y11-13 students can use Te Whare Rēhia afterschool 3.15-4.30pm. We have a personal trainer who will be in the space offering up group classes and individual programmes throughout the year.
  • Y9-10 students can use the space through our Athletic Development Programme. These are 40 minute sessions before school run by qualified personal trainers. The idea of the programme is to run age specific fitness sessions while teaching proper techniques and ways to train.
  • Yoga, Pilates and fitness classes may be run in Te Whare Rēhia – check out the sports website to register and get involved.
  • Click on the Te Whare Rēhia tab to find out more or email TIC Mr Ben Buckendahl (BUB)

I am a parent – can I be involved with sport at Cashmere High?

  • Absolutely, we would love to hear from you. Increasingly we are needing to rely on parents to help support our sports programmes. Parents are able to be a coach, manager or help with transport and without this support some teams are unable to be entered.
  • Sponsorship is an area we are continuing to explore to ensure Cashmere can stay competitive across a number of premier sports. Sponsorship is used to reduce costs for participants but also to support teams with coaches and facilities that ensure they are able to achieve their personal best. Please contact Michael Jones to discuss sponsorship opportunities further.