Player safety is non-negotiable
(From NZRU)
Understanding concussion
Concussion can occur when a player receives an impact to the head or body that causes the brain to shake inside the skull. If a player is knocked out or loses consciousness, they have obviously sustained a concussion, but it is important to remember that a person can be concussed without losing consciousness.
Recognising the symptoms
If a player appears stunned, dazed or confused after an impact ask some of the following questions to check if the player is aware of their surroundings and that their memory is working correctly.
If they answer any of the questions incorrectly, or are very slow to respond, it indicates that they have probably sustained a concussion and should not continue to play.
Watch for unsteadiness when they stand up or poor balance and co-ordination as these are also signs of concussion. Players may also complain of other symptoms such as blurred or double vision, ringing in their ears, sensitivity to light and noise. They may experience nausea or vomiting, a headache or feel extremely tired or become irritable. If any of these symptoms are present a player should not return to play.
Remove from play
Players who are concussed are often unaware of their symptoms and may want to continue playing. - they usually do! It is imperative that the Coach / Referee takes responsibility for the player’s well-being, assess the player and make an informed choice about whether the player should return to play or not – if any doubt the player must be removed from play.
Even if there are no immediate symptoms of concussion these can show up later, so it is important to keep a close eye on the player. Ensure the player is regularly checked and not left alone during the first four hours after injury.
Make sure the player has a ‘buddy’ who will make sure they are not left alone for the first four hours and get the player home safely for someone (parent/guardian etc) to monitor.
Give the concussion advice slip (from the concussion checklist) to the player and their guardian so everyone knows what to watch for over the first 24 - 48 hours.
Concussed players must get urgent medical treatment if they show signs of:
Return to play
Players should not return to sport until symptom free AND medically cleared.
World Rugby’s mandatory stand down period is for a minimum 3 weeks (23 days for U19s).
If a player returns too soon, while symptoms are still present, it will slow recovery and put them at risk of further concussions.
If a player sustains a second concussion before the previous one has fully resolved the impact will be more severe and can in some instances be fatal.
Positive Side-line Behaviour
A positive environment for everyone to enjoy rugby is at the heart of APPLAUD; a New Zealand Rugby initiative to encourage supporters to be good sports at schools and clubs and also stamp out anti-social side-line behaviour.
Supporters have a big role to play in encouraging players, referees, coaches and volunteers to have good experiences whether they win, lose or draw.
APPLAUD provides guidelines for schools and clubs to manage situations where supporters become over-enthusiastic and risk spoiling the experience of others involved in rugby/taking part or watching.
A range of supporting tools to implement APPLAUD are also available for school and clubs so go to the following Links for more information.
12 Moana Rua Road, St Kilda, Dunedin, 9012
Phone: 03 455 1118