Island Bay School Netball

Information for Parents


Years 1-4:  Island Bay school t-shirt and dark plain shorts

Year 5-6:  We are looking at getting new gender neutral uniforms this year. In the interim a netball dress is provided with an alternative option to wear an Island Bay school t-shirt and dark plain shorts. Navy long sleeved tops and leggings can be worn under the uniforms if desired. Netballers can also choose to use the school hoodie if it is particularly cold. All uniforms are to be returned at the end of the season.

Parental involvement

The Club is parent-led, meaning we want you to get involved. If you have any interest, please let us know how you might help to coach, umpire, manage so please indicate your interest during the registration process. MK provide training for you. 

Saturday Games

Years 1-4 play games on Saturday in Terms 1 to 4. 

Years 5-6 play games on Saturday in Terms 2 to 3.

 Players must wear their uniform to play, have short nails, no earrings or other jewellery, and sturdy shoes.