Kawerau Sports Junior J.A.B Rugby - 2023
Contact: Pamai Simpson (0278288182) or Pamaisimpson7@gmail.com
Teams available: U6's, U7's, U8's & U10s although every year is dependent on coaches and number of kids. We cap our teams so kids get lots of game time & to keep in line with the small blacks rules
Training days: Tuesday and Thursday 4pm - 5pm
Competition Commences: April 2023
Coaches: U6's - Pauline Dowie & Merley Huta, U7's - Ahi Smith, U8's - Haimi Ormsby, PJ Karauria & Morgan White, U10's - Derek Sedgman - U13 Girls Rugby - Moana Rangiaho
Registration/Fees: No fee necessary although it's expected that you support the code with fundraising throughout the season
The club is open to new tamariki from February 2023. New tamariki, coaches, managers and supportive parents are encouraged to join & support. We play in the EBOP JAB competition held every Saturday morning in either Kawerau, Whakatane or Opotiki (hub style).
If interested in enrolling your child for the 2023 season, please contact Pamai for more info.
We look forward to hearing from you !