Subject Guide for Apprenticeships and on Job Training
If you are considering entering into an apprenticeship or trainee position, it is important to realise that most employers are looking for young people with a positive attitude, good communicaton skills, basic literacy, numeracy and information technology skills.
Many of the training programmes in work places are administered by ITOs (Industry Training Organisations). Although the minimum entry for many apprenticeships and trainee positions are generally set a level 1, students are encouraged to continue with level 2 NCEA studies. To complete four years' secondary schooling increases opportunities for employment. A high level of maturity is required to meet the demands of both work and study necessary to complete an apprenticeship.
Subject recommendations and requirements vary, but the main focus is on the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Technology.
For further information on apprenticeships please Click here
Below, you can find several site links that may help you with your careers choices.
STUDYIT is the "FREE", safe on-line support site used by thousands of NCEA students. With exams looming up fast, it is recommended that students sign up as soon as possible.
CAREERS NZ. Formerly Career Services is a useful website for you to view when considering career pathways.
giveMe (formerly known as BREAKOUT) is a searchable database which will give you the best matches of scholarships, awards and grades you are eligible for in terms of criteria, level of study and discipline, along with closing dates, application requirements and contact details. Please phone for a "free" appointment time at the Internal Affairs Department, 36-38 Matthews Ave, Kaitaia. Ph: (09) 408 6677.
NORTHTEC TASTER PROGRAMME - offers the opportunity for students to spend a day experiencing tertiary study in the friendly atmosphere of their campus. If you are interested, please email Whangarei or check out the website.
INDUSTRY TRAINING offers something for everyone. Get the Careers you want and earn while you learn! Check out the following links to see some of the many possible careers available.
The Industry Training Federation represents all of New Zealand's Industry Training Organisations (ITO's).