Mrs Sally Lockie is our Careers Advisor.  She will be able to assist you in your career choices, help you with your CV's, University Entrance/Tertiary Institute queries, etc and career pathway questions.  

Don't forget to keep an eye on the Careers Event Calendar for Liaison Visits and Trips.

The School Leavers Toolkit is a helpful resource for parents and students.

How can I find which course I am interested in?

Deciding "which tertiary course is the right one for me" involves spending some time researching the different study programmes available. Whether this be at a University, Polytechnic, or Independant Training Organisation (ITO's). Use the following link to search where you can compare different study programmes at different NZ institutions. Click here ​​​​​​​

Vocational Pathways

Vocational Pathways are a new tool that provides a clear framework for vocational options, support better programme design and careers advice, and improve the links between education and employment.

They are the product of a partnership between government agencies, the industry training sector, secondary and tertiary education representatives, and industry and employer representatives.

There are six pathways which represent new ways to structure and achieve NCEA Level 2 and provide a more coherent framework for foundation vocational education and training. The pathways will help students to develop their own individual education plan, so they are better informed and able to make better choices to meet their goals.

There are a range of tools you can use to help plan and design your programmes and help students to plan their future career opportunities.

For information from the NZQA Vocational Pathways site Click here or visit our Vocational Pathways tab

University and Polytech Study

In New Zealand, there are eight Universities.  Courses and entry requirements are constantly being updated.  Please refer to the links below for the most up-to-date information:

Auckland University of Technology 
The University of Auckland 
The University of Waikato Massey University (Albany, Manawatu, Wellington)
Victoria University of Wellington 
The University of Canterbury 
Lincoln University (Christchurch)  
​​​​​​​The University of Otago 

There are many polytechnics in New Zealand.  Of these two are located within Auckland:

Manukau Institute of Technology 

This link will take you to institutes of technology and polytechnics within 
​​​​​​​New Zealand: 
Click here ​​​​​​​

GOT A TRADE - GOT IT MADE!       New Website Link @ July 2018 

Trades careers are for people with smarts wo want to do practical and useful work, who want to get financially set up without a loan hanging over their heads and who want to have heaps of options for the future.

Got a trade?  Got it made! is a collaborative campaign owned by Industry Training Organisations in New Zealand.  (Run in Kaitaia in conjunction with KiwiDotcom and Te Aupouri Māori Trust Board)  The campaign exists to re-position trade careers in the minds of 12-20 year olds and their influencers (parents, principals, teachers and careers advisers).

12-16 YEAR OLDS - There are heaps of trade jobs that are always in demand.  The people doing these jobs make New Zealand work and grow.  You can even turn your hobby into a great career and own your own business one day.

16-24 YEAR OLDS - If you can get a trade under your belt, you will be set up for life.  Earn from day one.  Join thousands of New Zealanders qualified in a range of trades who own their own businesses (and cars, jetskis, boats and beach houses) and control their financial future.  Get yourself sorted now.

Parents - Trades people are always in demand.  This is a great career option for your child.  New Zealand will always need people who know how to do the jobs that keep New Zealand working and growing.  Your child could avoid a student loan, earn from day one and set themselves up to be a  business owner.

Principals/Teachers/Careers Advisors - Everything just got a whole lot simpler. Gotatrade.co.nz is your one stop shop for finding out everything you need to know about trades careers and who can help your students find opportunities that suit their vocational pathway. 

Click here for Got A Trade - Got It Made trades tool (new 2018)
Click here  to go to the COMPETENZ site.
Click here  to go to Kiwidot.com Kaitaia site.

Entry into Tertiary Study

To gain entry into courses at Universities, Technical Institutes and Private Training Organisations, you need to achieve a number of credits over a range of subjects.  ​​​​​​​The following table gives a general indication of the current entry requirements for tertiary courses.  It is essential that you check out the exact requirements for any course that you may be interested in.​​​​​​​

General Overview of Tertiary Entry Requirements

Literacy and
 (1 Year)

 Level 1 Literacy requirements Completed three or four year's
 secondary schooling.
 Some courses require NCEA
 Level 1 OR a number of Level 2 credits.
 (2 Years)

 Level 1 Literacy requirements

 Minimum of 48 credits at Level 2
 (or higher)over four subjects.

 Generally, no particular subject
 requirements - a few exceptions.

 Open Entry
 (3-5 Years)


  • 10 credits in approved achievement
    standards at Level 2 or higher, including
  • 5 credits in reading
  • 5 credits in writing

 Note: If you are intending on applying
 for The University of Auckland, you
 MUST have 17 credits at Level 2 or


  • 10 credits in Mathematics at
     Level 1 or higher.

 Common Entrance standard
 is the minimum requirement for degree entry.

 Some Universities have additional
 requirements for Restricted Entry

 See Mrs Paitai for further deails.

Literacy and Numeracy Requirements

Please Note: Students applying for University from a New Zealand Secondary school using NCEA Level 3 credits, must also meet the literacy and numeracy requirements through the New Zealand education system.  Students, both domestic and international, who have had all or part of their Year 11 and 12 schooling outside of New Zealand need to include English/ESOL and/or Mathematics in their course to enable them to meet these requirements.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Tertiary Entry Requirements

The entry requirements for international students into most New Zealand tertiary institutions are similar to domestic students.  However, some may require higher levels of achievement and additional English language evidence.


There are many scholarships available to students who are leaving school, whether to study at Universities, Polytechnics or in the trades. Visit our scholarships page to see what might suit your career pathway. 

Click here

Subject Guide for Apprenticeships and on Job Training

If you are considering entering into an apprenticeship or trainee position, it is important to realise that most employers are looking for young people with a positive attitude, good communicaton skills, basic literacy, numeracy and information technology skills.

Many of the training programmes in work places are administered by ITOs (Industry Training Organisations). Although the minimum entry for many apprenticeships and trainee positions are generally set a level 1, students are encouraged to continue with level 2 NCEA studies. To complete four years' secondary schooling increases opportunities for employment. A high level of maturity is required to meet the demands of both work and study necessary to complete an apprenticeship.

Subject recommendations and requirements vary, but the main focus is on the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Technology.

For further information on apprenticeships please Click here

Below, you can find several site links that may help you with your careers choices.


STUDYIT is the "FREE", safe on-line support site used by thousands of NCEA students. With exams looming up fast, it is recommended that students sign up as soon as possible. 

CAREERS NZ.  Formerly Career Services is a useful website for you to view when considering career pathways. 

giveMe (formerly known as BREAKOUT) is a searchable database which will give you the best matches of scholarships, awards and grades you are eligible for in terms of criteria, level of study and discipline, along with closing dates, application requirements and contact details.  Please phone for a "free" appointment time at the Internal Affairs Department, 36-38 Matthews Ave, Kaitaia. Ph: (09) 408 6677​.

NORTHTEC TASTER PROGRAMME - offers the opportunity for students to spend a day experiencing tertiary study in the friendly atmosphere of their campus.  If you are interested, please email pathways@northtec.ac.nz Whangarei or check out the website.

INDUSTRY TRAINING offers something for everyone.  Get the Careers you want and earn while you learn!  Check out the following links to see some of the many possible careers available.

The Industry Training Federation represents all of New Zealand's Industry Training Organisations (ITO's).

ARMED FORCES (Air Force, Army, Navy)

The Armed Forces provide many opportunities for apprenticeships and on job training. The minimum age for entry is 17 years and applicants are required to pass a Medical Assessment, Physical Fitness test and Aptitude test.

General Summary of Entry into the Armed Forces

Air Force, Army, Navy, Recommendations or Requirement:

  • Support Roles - English, Mathematics, Science, Technology L1 minimum recommended.
  • Most Apprenticeships - English, Mathematics and Science or a Technology subject L2
  • Engineering Apprenticeships - English, Mathematics and a Science subject L3
  • Officer and Specialist Roles - English, Mathematics and a Science subject L3
  • Undergraduate Scheme - University Entrance L3 Merit/Excellence level

Further details on career areas and entry criteria can be found on the Armed Forces websites;