Kiwi aims to offer the lowest membership fees out of all the Wellington athletics clubs.

The 2024/25 Registration Fees are shown below.

Senior Men and Women (23+) = $155.00*

Competitive Member (20-22) = $121.00*

Competitive Member (15-19) = $90.00*

Active Member (7-14) = $76.00*

Student Full Time (23+) = $121.00 *

Social Member (15+ Non-Competitive) = $65.00*

Volunteers = $20.00 *

Associate Members (No Athletic NZ/WN fees) = $20.00 ( Paid directly to Kiwi / Peter Jack)

* Includes Athletics NZ/WN Registration fees

* Ages at 31 December 2024

* A ‘full membership’ (as seen in pricings above) covers registration to Athletics New Zealand and Athletics Wellington, allowing you to compete in all interclub competitions around New Zealand.

* Associated membership caters for the casual athlete who just wants to be associated with the Club. 

Entry fee each Saturday is $8.50 per meeting. ( entry by Athletics Wellington website)


Registration form for the current 2024/25 season can be made by clicking on the following link: