Registrations have closed for this squad.

Players are eligible to trial for this team where they are aged 18 or younger as at the 31st of August 2016.

The purpose of this training programme is to develop skill levels and experience in the Wellington region. We encourage all players competing in the High School league to trial for this squad. This is a great opportunity to learn from Wellington's best, and players will benefit from the additional training received during the training period, regardless of team selections.

Squad trainings

Location: Wellington East Girl's College, top field.

Dates: Saturday mornings from 16 July to 17 September.

Times: 9am to 11am. Arrive at 8:45am, be ready to run with shoes on, mouthguard in at 9am.

Recommended equipment: Lacrosse stick, mouthguard, running shoes, football boots (moulded cleats), and a lacrosse ball for practice in your own time. Protective eyewear / goggles are recommended but not mandatory.

We may change the training day from Saturday to Sunday depending on player availability, any changes will be widely communicated.

Player selection

We will select two tournament teams of 16 players as soon as possible after training on the 20th of August.

The players we are looking for are:

  • Positive and respectful. Toward themselves, their team, their coaches, and their opponents. They are resilient and don't sweat the small stuff.
  • Students of the game. Always looking to learn, happy to make mistakes, and they are receptive to feedback. They will work hard at training, and in their own time to develop their skills.
  • Great communicators. Both on and off the field, they stay up to date with the team.
  • Team players. We train, lose, win, and have fun as a team.
  • Committed. A no-show is a no-no. We understand that life sometimes gets in the way of lacrosse, please talk to us now or as soon as possible if there are important circumstances affecting your ability to attend training. We expect players with minor illnesses and injuries to attend training on the sideline.

In return your coaches will:

  • Act according to the same values as players, treating everyone with respect.
  • Share our skills, experience, and network with you to help you to become the best player you can be.
  • Give you open and honest information and feedback.
  • Encourage a safe playing environment and good sportsmanship.


There are no costs to the initial training programme. However as the tournament location has not yet been announced there may be travel, entry and accommodation costs for the selected tournament team. We will announce these costs as soon as possible.

We are very lucky to have the generous support of Wellington East Girl's College in providing our training ground. It is important that we respect their facilities at all times.


If you have any further queries, please email us at , or have a chat with your High School Lacrosse Coach.