Senior membership

Senior members have opportunities to sail both competitively and socially. Racing is held most Sunday afternoons of the season. Club members sail a range of boats; the current fleet includes:

Sunburst, Optimist, Laser, Micron, 370, Firebug and Catamarans.

Subscription for 2023-2024 season is $150 ($10 discount if paid by 15 November 2023)

Family Membership

Get the whole family involved. Family membership includes all of the above and is a great way to spend quality time together while having great fun. Subscription for 2023-2024 season is $220 for 2 people, $235 for 3 or more ($10 discount if paid by 15 November 2023).

Social Membership

Social membership is for those who wish to participate in the many social events held by the club but do not wish to actively sail. This usually consists of a cruising day on another lake such as Kaniere, a mid-winter dinner, regatta, and numerous barbecues and potluck meals.Subscription for 2023-2024 season is $95 individual, $130 for a family ($10 discount if paid by 15 November 2023)

You can download a membership form here or sign up online.

You can pay by direct credit using internet banking. 

ASB 12-3166-0033842-02.

Put sub and your name as reference.